
Passive Teaching Methods Vs Participatory Teaching Methods

2015-12-02 49 Dailymotion

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When it comes to what is known as the learning pyramid there are seven teaching methods that are common. There are four that are called Passive teaching methods and the remaining three are called Participatory or Active teaching methods.

They range from five percent average retention rate up to ninety percent retention rate.

You will find out that the ninety percent retention rate is the one that offers the most value to the recipient.

Learn how to use the highest retention rate form of teaching and you can empower and help more people. after all the marketplace pays for value.

01:15 Active Method of Teaching
01:58 Method that yields 10% retention level
02:30 3 ways people learn
03:30 Active| Participatory methods of teaching
04:50 example of a practice method of teaching
06:00 How to get 90% retention rate
Learn how to become a teacher in the marketplace of Network Marketing. →→ http://x.co/MLSPtrial

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