
Haplogroup E1b1 BERBERS = SOMALID race - Original north africans black

2015-11-25 9 Dailymotion

Original north Africans black - Both Ethiopia & Morocco are Somalid majority nations

"Moor" is a term used in Medieval Europe. A moor is a Muslim from Africa. ... Many moors were dark-skinned with African features, Moors were commonly viewed as being mostly black or very swarthy, and hence the word is often used for negro

Somalid DNA peaks in Somalia and Berber country called Morocco.

Moroccan are originally Somalid people DNA proved that 80% of berber in Morocco belong to E1b1b dna just like Ethiopian and Somalian.
While 20% of Moroccan belong to J dna and this dna is native to Arabia and the Caucasus this Moroccan are originally arab their ancestors came from Arabia and they look very Caucasian they have pale skin with straight hair and they easily pass to be European.
So the majority of Moroccan are really dark and look very similar to east African but much lighter than them while the minority are white people from Arabia.

The berber with blonde hair are the result of mixing with Arabs and European when ancient Arabs ruled Spain

I have noticed people from the interior areas of north African countries, people still look pretty black or at least mixed mulatto

modern North Africans, and Somalians show a fairly close relationship ( Maghreb people with East Africans connection )

There is no such thing as a E1b1b Arabs lol! and the Berber's E1b1b clade is E-M81,

a North African brown guy who thinks they were the native population of Europe, just cause some Slave E1b1b Y-DNA popped in Greece and Italy!

Guys am I missing something?

E originated in Ethiopia or North Africa it was never native to Europe...

of course the purpose of that claim is to justify their invasion of Europe since 70% of North Africans are E1b1b.

Wikipedia claims that e1b1b is the 3rd common Y-DNA in Europe today...Its an organized effort, genes and culture, religion....

E1b1b is East African not West Asian

P.S. Berbers aren't Caucasian, it's IMPOSSIBLE for a native African ethnic group to be "Caucasian"

those are actual genetic studies. Berbers and Moroccans need to accept their Somalian roots and embrace their aethiopidness

and my video showed the presence of the genetic Somalid genes in Berber / North African people with evidences and pictures of native Moroccans and native Maghrebis

Haplogroup E1b1 likely originated in the highlands of Ethiopia in East Africa,

In Somalia they are in their purest form. Genetically they have minimal Arabid genes (only 2% in Somalia) than Portugal 11%! & minor Subsahran ~ 5% mostly in the south

Berber Somalids are somewhat mutts the more you move North & South. The central Berbers are also clean Somalids.
Southern Tauregs start adding SubSaharan. Kabyles have minor Arabid & Europid genes each less than 10%

Heartland; Somalia
Predominant; in the Horn of Africa & Morocco
Primary element; in Northwest Africa, Kosovo & Peloponnese
Important element; in Egypt-Sudan, Levant, Oman & Balkans

DNA Berbers Y Haplogroup E-M215 ,

also referred to in the literature by other names such as E1b1b and E3b