
The Berber people of North Africa originate from East Africa - Berbers (Moors) were black

2015-11-23 38 Dailymotion

Original Berbers are not white - Y DNA Haplogroup, E1b1b (E-M215)

The Berber people of North Africa originate from East Africa , LOL maybe they can fool anyone who is not being surrounded by those Muslim ugly dark skinned mulatto looking Moroccan immigrants in Europe , the modern colloquial Spanish use of the term Moro is derogatory for Moroccans in particular , Moro refers to all things dark, as in "Moor", moreno, it's like saying nigger

Moroccan are originally Somalid people DNA proved that 80% of berber in Morocco belong to E1b1b dna just like Ethiopian and Somalian.
While 20% of Moroccan belong to J dna and this dna is native to Arabia and the Caucasus this Moroccan are originally arab their ancestors came from Arabia and they look very Caucasian they have pale skin with straight hair and they easily pass to be European.
So the majority of Moroccan are really dark and look very similar to east African but much lighter than them while the minority are white people from Arabia.

The berber with blonde hair are the result of mixing with Arabs and European when ancient Arabs ruled Spain

Origin of Berbers and modern North Africans :

E1b1b1b-M81 haplogroup shows Sub-Saharan negroid admixture in North Africans

Berbers have about 25% negroid maternal admixture on average.

North African's known as Moors were Black not Arabs

The Berbers (Moors) Moors were commonly viewed as being mostly black or very swarthy, and hence the word is often used for negro ...

The native people of North Africa are the Berber and the Berber share the same DNA E1b1b with black Somali and Ethiopian and other horn African people.

Berbers are an indigenous language group which originated in East Africa. Linguistic, historic, and Genetic evidence prove this.
Eurocentrics try to misinform and falsify for Berbers to be white?

Berber language comes from East Africa around Somalia all the way down to the tip of Kenya, so the ancient Berbers must looked like East Africans.

The original north African Berbers were/are black, What you are currently seeing in the modern day Berbers located in Libya, Morocco, and Egypt
which are a mixed so called Bi-racial group of Europeans and Arabs that colonized into northern Africa, however,
not all Berbers are mixed like this, some still have retained their original skin color. Berbers also reside in Mali,
where they still have maintained their original skin color,There are areas in Mauritania, Morocco, and Libya
where they still have their original skin color, the Berbers are said to have originated from east Africa near the or in the Somali area .
Because of European conquest and colonization, and re-identification; Black Africa has been segmented into different racial groups,
which is inaccurate of the actual identity of the people.

the similarities between Berber language and the east Africans is because we are children of Ham

Hamitic race ( the Berbers or Western Hamites, )

The Indigenous Berbers of Africa ( Faces of North Africans ) Ancient and Modern Days