
Grabitja e çekeve ne Kukës - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1 Dailymotion

Grabitja e tre turisteve çeke ne Ujmisht te Kukesit ka vene ne alarm policinë, e cila pavarësisht kërkimeve nuk ka mundur te zbuloje autorin. Drejtori i policisë se qarkut Sadri Ramçaj tha se ne operacion janë angazhuar specialistet me te mire dhe se është ndërtuar identikiti i tij ne baze te rrëfimeve te tre te rinjve çeke. Deri tani janë shoqëruar te paktën 13 persona, por asnjeri prej tyre nuk ka rezultuar autori, pas përballjes me turistet. Tre te rinjtë, pasi ishin lare ne lumin Drin i Zi, kishin ngritur çadrën për te kaluar aty natën. Ndryshe nga deklarata e turisteve se grabitësi ishte i pajisur me arme, policia e Kukesit pretendon për te kundërtën. Sipas hetimeve, rezulton se ata kane dorëzuar pa rezistence objektet e kërkuara nga grabitësi dhe me pas kane njoftuar policinë. Mësohet se ambasada ceke ka bere thirrje për zbardhjen sa me shpejt te ngjarjes. Disa vite me pare tre turiste ceke u zhduken ne malet e Thethit.

Robbery of three Czech tourists in Kukes Ujmisht has put police on alert, despite research which could not discover the author. The regional police director said Sadri Ramçaj engaged in operation are the best specialists and that is his identikiti built based on the stories of three young Czech. Until now have been associated at least 13 people, but none has resulted author, after dealing with tourists. Three young people, after being washed in the Black Drin River, had set up tents for the night last. Unlike the tourists that the robber was equipped with arms, Kukes police claims to the contrary. The initial investigation shows that they have submitted without resistance facilities required by the robber and then they called the police. Reports that the Czech embassy has called to resolve as soon as the event. Several years ago, three Czech tourists disappeared in the mountains of Thethi.