
Vjen ylli i muzikës islame - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2 Dailymotion

Ylli i muzikës ne boten islame, Sami Yusuf mbërrin për here te pare ne Shqipëri. Artisti 32 vjeçar, me një karriere te gjate ndërkombëtare, është ftuar nga komuniteti mysliman, për te performuar ne koncertin e përvitshme kushtuar profetit Muhamend. I pyetur mbi pranimin e ftesës, Yusuf, albumi "Mualim" i te cilit ka shitur mbi 5 milion kopje, pohoi kureshtjen e tij për Shqipërinë. Sami Yusuf, do te qëndroje ne Tirane për tre dite, ndërkohe qe ne 7 Prill, te shtunën ai do te performoje ne pallatin e kongreseve kënge nga me te njohurat e tij, te cilat adhurohen edhe ne Shqipëri. Artisti i lindur ne Londër, por me origjine nga Azerbajxhani ka zhvilluar koncerte ne mbare boten. Një nder performacat e tij me madhështore ka qene koncerti ne stadium Uembli dhe ai ne Stamboll.

The star of the music in the Islamic world, Sami Yusuf arrives for the first time in Albania. 32 year old artist, with a long international career, has been invited by the Muslim community, to perform at annual concert dedicated to the prophet Mohammed. Asked about accepting the invitation, Yusuf, the album "Mualim" of which has sold over 5 million copies, said his curiosity about Albania. Sami Yusuf, will remain in Tirana for three days while on 7 April, the Saturday he performed at the palace of congresses of the most popular song of his, which are worshiped even in Albania. The artist was born in London but originating from Azerbaijan has held concerts all over the world. A performance, in his honor was great in concert and he Uembli stadium in Istanbul.