
Ditet e kultures Ruse ne Shqiperi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-21 0 Dailymotion

Balerini rus, Denis Matvienko, është solist i teatrit perandorak te Shen Peterburgut, Marinski dhe ne 11 shtator, spektaklin e tij do te mund ta shohim për here te pare edhe ne Tirane. Matvienko ne fakt, do te ngjitet ne skenën e Teatrit te Operës dhe Baletit bashke me 8 kolege te tij, mes te cilëve edhe tre soliste te teatrit tjetër te famshëm rus, Balshoi.
Ardhja e tyre, çel kështu ditët e kulturës ruse, ne një vend si Shqipëria, ku ndikimi i artit rus, e kryesisht shkollës se baletit ka qene i madh. Por, bashke me solistet e njohur te Marinskit dhe Balshoit, ditët e kulturës ruse ne Shqiperi do te sjellin edhe kinematografinë e këtij vendi. Teksa e ka konsideruar si një feste mbi 20 vjetorin e ringjalljes se marrëdhënies mes dy vendeve, ambasadori rus, ka përmendur edhe çeljen e një ekspozite me fotografi nga jeta private e te famshmit Anton Cehov. Koncerti Gala, i trupës se balerineve ruse, do te sjelle pjesët me te famshme te këtij repertori botëror.

Balerini Russian Denis Matvienko, is soloist of the Imperial Theatre in Saint Petersburg, Marinski and September 11, his spectacle could be seen for the first time in Tirana. Matvienko, in fact, will go up to the scene of the Theatre of Opera and Ballet 8 together with his colleagues, among them the three other soloist of the famous Russian theater, Balshoi.
Their arrival, opened his days in Russian culture, in a country like Albania, where the impact of Russian art, and especially ballet school that was great. But, together with the known soloists and Balshoit Marinskit, the days of Russian culture in Albania will also bring the country's cinematography. As has considered a holiday on the 20 anniversary of the resurrection of the relationship between the two countries, Russian Ambassador, has mentioned the opening of an exhibition with photos from private life of the famous Anton Chekhov. Gala concert, the troupe of Russian dancers, will bring the most famous parts of the world repertoire.