
WWE RAW 1/2/12 Y2J Chris Jericho returns to RAW (HQ)

2015-11-20 63 Dailymotion

More cryptic video. This is a full length video, but doesnt show us much. Nothing more than any of the others. It is time. The end of the world as we know it is .\r
WWE RAW 1/2/12 Y2J Chris Jericho returns to RAW (HQ) All Rights Reserved To World Wrestling Entertainment.\r
Chris Jericho Returns - WWE Raw 1/2/12 (It Begins 2012) Raw 1/2/12 Return [HD] Chris Jericho y2j Backstage on wwe WWE Smackdown Undertaker Shawn .\r
WWE IT BEGINS PROMO: (Y)EAR 2012 (2)ND (J)ANUARY RETURN PROMO AT 2012 (WWE RAW 11/21/11) The boy who was narrating the video said: Come .