
Old MacDonald Had A Farm ¦ Plus Lots More Popular Nursery Rhymes For Children By HooplaKidz TV

2015-11-16 685 Dailymotion

This Old MacDonald Had A Farm Nursery Rhymes Collection has the best handpicked songs for your babies to enjoy and sing along to! Learning has never been so much fun!

Playlist :-

00:00 Old MacDonald
02:04 Jack And Jill
03:00 Wheels On The Bus
04:29 I'm A Little Teapot
05:37 Five little monkeys
07:02 Baa Baa Black Sheep
08;36 Incy Wincy Spider
09:39 Humpty Dumpty
10:32 Twinkle twinkle little star
12:31 Head Shoulders Knees
14:23 Miss Polly had a Dolly
15:13 Bingo
17:24 Starlight starbright
18:39 ABC Phonics song

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These Nursery Rhymes for children is the best collection to make your baby learn nursery rhymes with its best soothing music and rhythms.