
Top 10 Movie Monsters of All Time

2015-10-27 10 Dailymotion

Whether they made us cover our eyes as kids, or scream like children as adults, movie monsters have a way of creeping into our subconscious and fanning the flames of our fears. Here are our Top 10 Monsters in Movie History!

What did you think of the list? Do you disagree with any of our picks? Feel like we left out or mis-represented any of these monsters? Do you like scary movies? What movie monster scared you most when you were a kid? Are there any that scared you as an adult?

What other topics would you like to see us cover in future editions of CineFix Movie Lists?

Let us know in the comments!


Gremlins (1984) & Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
They turn from adorable pets to sociopathic monsters when you expose them to water. Water? Seriously? How do you avoid that?

It Follows (2015)
It may be slow but it just keeps coming. You can’t escape it because it’s always there, or almost there, well it’s coming because IT follows!

The Dark Crystal (1982)
Disgusting and cruel and like nothing we ever expected a muppet to be.

Gill Man
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)
The classic lizard man which all other lizard men aspire to be.

The Fly (1986)
Science goes wrong and the results are disturbing and actually pretty gross.

Frankenstein’s Monster
Frankenstein (1931)
Though a somewhat sympathetic creature, this creation of a mad scientist is huge, terrifying, and dangerous.

Godzilla (Gojira) (1954)
Not just a giant dinosaur-like monster that terrorized Japan, but a representation of the fears about the aftermath of the nuclear bombs being dropped on the country.

The Great White Shark aka Bruce
Jaws (1975)
He’s giant, he’s deadly, he scared people enough to not only keep them off the beach, and he continues to scare audiences because shark attacks are real.

Night of the Living Dead (1968)
The progenitor of the modern zombie craze, the slow moving undead were most scary because of how many there were.

The Thing
The Thing (1982)
It could be anyone and whoever it is suffers a bloody disgusting death.

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