
Island Lemon Pie Recipe

2015-10-25 33 Dailymotion

Island pie or cottage pie is what my mom called it - this was a pie that we’d have on lazy summer days at our summer cottage on the lake (we were actually on an island). Everything in the pie was pretty much always in the pantry; in those days lemons weren’t available all year round, so Ma would always have a jug of that commercial lemon juice in the fridge. We use fresh lemons now.

If the pie seems familiar - that’s because it is… There is a family of citrus pies that use condensed milk as the base for their fillings. Variations include the ‘Atlantic Beach Pie’ that you’ll find in the mid-south American Atlantic coast, the ‘Key Lime Pie’ is also a close cousin. Some will use graham crackers, arrowroot biscuits, or saltines for the crust. Some put the meringue on top, some leave it out altogether. They are all variations on the same theme, nothing is new, nothing is right, and they all derive from the same place.

Enjoy the pie!

Makes 1 pie

For the crust:
7 oz (195g) of ‘Social Tea’, ‘Marie’ biscuits
1/2 cup (125 mL) frozen unsalted butter
3 Tbsp (45 mL) sugar

For the filling:
10 oz (300 mL) can condensed milk
4 eggs, separated
1/2 cup (125 mL) lemon juice (2-3 lemons)

Preheat oven to 350° F (180ºC)
In a food processor crush the biscuits coarsely. Add the sugar, and frozen butter and process again until the crumbs hold together like dough. Press into an 9-inch deep dish pie plate. Chill for 15 minutes, then bake for 18 minutes or until the crust is golden brown.
While the crust is cooling (it doesn't need to be cold), beat the egg yolks into the condensed milk, then beat in the lemon juice. Whip the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Stir 1/3 of the egg meringue into the lemon mixture - then gently fold in the next 1/3. Fold in the final 1/3 of the egg meringue until no streaks of egg white remain.
Pour into the shell and bake for 18-20 minutes until the filling has puffed up, set and is just starting to brown. Cool to room temperature and then refrigerate until completely ...