
Best Bjergsen Funny/Fails/Troll Compilation #1 | (League of Legends)

2015-10-20 29 Dailymotion

Bjergsen Funny Montage ( League Of Legends ) ▻Help me reach to 200.000 subscribers : ▻Please LIKE my FANPAGE .
FAKER BEST MOMENTS EVER - LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Bjgersen fails montage : ▻Help me reach to .
Funny/Fail Compilation #38 | Funny Faker Bard Troll | League of Legends ♥ Subscribe, click here: ♥ Do you have any big plays or .
Funny/Fail Compilation #21 | Faker gets trolled | League of Legends ♥ Subscribe, click here: ♥ Do you have any big plays or fantastic fails .