
He showed a gorilla photos of other gorillas on his phone. Watch the gorillas reaction!

2015-10-09 8 Dailymotion

There has been concern about the habitat and happiness of this gorilla. Please note that this gorilla (I believe he is named Jelani) is housed in an award winning 4 acre gorilla sanctuary in the Louisville Zoo. He is a Western Lowland Gorilla, a species classified as critically endangered by the I.U.C.N. \r
The Louisville Zoo works hard to provide Jelani and his group with great nutrition, a stimulating and wide open environment, medicine and a chance and hopefully through awareness and captive breeding theyll help move this beautiful species off that endangered list.\r
If you feel sad or moved by this video, then do some research and see how you can help: \r
I am in no way affiliated with this or any zoo or wildlife cause, but given the popularity of my video, I feel that people should direct the emotions that this has made them feel in a positive way to help make this world a better place.\r
Jukin Media Verified (Original)\r
* For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom