
吉益品(GEP ARTS):言开天地 GOD spoke the world into existence: 您的言存在我心中,我的光必发出,我也必得医治。您的言是我的生命,我全身的良药。您是我的智慧。YOUR Word in me, my Light breaks forth, I am healed. YOUR WORD is life & health to my whole body. YOU are my wisdom.

2015-10-05 1 Dailymotion

4,500 年前,中国人开始写字时,来字是个“十”字,两个小人在旁边,一个大人在中间。
正如2,000年 后,耶稣基督和两个小贼钉在十字架上,叫羊得生命,得的更丰盛。

By sound, that is through Words, the universe has come into existence.
So in the beginning was the The Creator’s Voice. What is He like?
In LOVE, He has created man in His image. So we know we are like Him, a person, a life.
Alas, man has fallen into darkness and become lost sheep.
So HE came into the world in Person to visit, provide the light and redeem His people.
He has the Words of eternal life,the first Word and the last Word.
He is Father, Son and Spirit, all in One, a mystery beyond the understanding of men.
About 4,500 years ago, when the Chinese invented their writings, they formed the word “COME” by drawing a cross with 2 small men by the side and a big man in the centre.
2,000 years ago, this was exactly the picture of Jesus being crucified at the Cross with two thieves one on each side. And HE is asking man to COME to Him to receive life and to have it more abundantly.