
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble the four prophets in respect to his four attributes

2015-09-25 3 Dailymotion

Narrated from Abu Jafar. He said: “In the Master of this affair are present practices (Sunnah) of four prophets: Moses, Jesus, Joseph and Muhammad (s.a.w.s.).

 “From Moses is being fearful for his life”, that is to say, what people’s actions would be, would they assassinate, hatch a plot, slander, do something wicked or commit treachery by using the opportunities of the government? “… and his occultation, from Joseph is the imprisonment, from Jesus that it is that it would be said: He is dead, while it would not be so. And as for the similarity with Muhammad (saas) it will be his advent and rising up with the sword”, because he will gird himself with the sword of our Prophet (saas). He will put on the cloak of our Prophet (saas), gird himself with his sword; and he will be similar to him in that respect.

Our Prophet (saas) says that his morality will be similar to me but not his physical appearance. In the physical sense, he looks l