
Greek leftist Tsipras returns in unexpectedly decisive vote win

2015-09-21 3 Dailymotion

Greek leftist leader Alexis Tsipras will return as prime minister on Monday determined to secure debt relief from the country's creditors in his "first and most important battle" after scoring an unexpectedly clear election victory.
But easing Greece's debt burden is just one of many items on a dauntingly long "to do" list ranging from how to revive a crippled economy while implementing austerity polices to dealing with the wave of migrants landing on Greek shores.
In Sunday's election voters gave Tsipras and his Syriza party a second chance to tackle Greece's problems, despite his summer U-turn when he ditched his anti-austerity platform to secure a new bailout deal and avert 'Grexit' - a Greek exit form the euro zone.
The extent of the win means that, rather than needing a patchwork of partners, Syriza will be able to govern with only a single ally, the Independent Greeks.
The small right-wing party was also the junior partner in the Tsipras coalition which governed for seven turbulent months until he resigned last month, forcing the election.