
Weird Moving Mudball Creature Illustration in 6 Minutes - Draw Against Time #33

2015-09-20 2 Dailymotion

Weird Moving Mudball Creature Illustration in 6 Minutes - Draw Against Time #33

This Draw Against Time video was requested by ZeroG131.

This creature was drawn based on a weird creature my brother and I encountered near my neighborhood. Here's the video footage of the thing we saw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVNXPMKTZ8U
To me it looked pretty much like a moving ball of mud with tentacles coming out from underneath it. I didn't really see its body or whatever was under the 'shell'. This video was requested so I had to draw what I think it looks like. What it really looks like or is, I still have no idea.

This video can also be taken as a tutorial on how to draw the things drawn in this video.
If you have anything you want to see me draw against time, please put them in the comments below.

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Music by Jess the Dragoon