
Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - Summary of Four communities - Part1 - 32.

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Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - Summary of Four communities - Part1 - 32.

Chapter 22

Four religious communities of India.





The subject is quite extensive and a brief summary would recapitulate the subject of the Four Communities of Religion of India. There are Four spiritual states, four Varnas, four advent candles, etc.

First community of Jew and Hindu deals with moral laws taught to the once-born people of school age. Rabbis/Pandits/Fetish Priests are responsible to teach the moral laws. Transgression against the moral laws is sin. At the times of Jesus, the people especially of the Judah tribe were very clever liars and in John 8 v44:-

You belong to your father, the super bastard fanatic devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

That used to be the character of the people of Judah tribe. Nobody would trust them as in India, you cannot trust a Khatri. Not all the people of Judah tribe were liars but a remnant was truthful and reliable. Simon nicknamed Peter was a truthful person obeying his Rabbi in the rituals. That is why Jesus picked him up for feeding sheep to His Fold, the Church of God. That is, if you want to join the second community Christianity or Sikhism, you must speak the truth or you a rotten egg which will spoil the whole basket or the Church of God.

Thus, the intake of Christianity and Sikhism are people who have conscience or salt of their tribal family and they are truthful. John, the Baptist baptised Jewish men especially of Judah tribe, the one Lost Sheep that Jesus tried His best to bring back to the Fold of God, in the name of Abraham and Jesus in the name of Yahweh. This baptism of water was not needed by others such as the Gentiles or Samaritans. All the people of the world displayed their tribal identities and the African and others have tribal marks. Abraham gave Isaac the tribal mark of circumcision, which the clever people of Judah tribe misused to make Gentile Jews, the super bastard fanatic devils like themselves, by circumcising them. In India, the people of Khatri tribe remained Khatris and not Hindus outwardly except in Iran where they used to cheat they became Hindu outwardly, super bastard greedy people called Kararr in Punjabi. Naal Krarran dosti; koorroh koori paye. That is having friendship with devil liars, they always cheat and you too may become a Krarr. In Iran, the word Hindu became synonymous with a “Thief”. So, imagine such Hindus becoming Mohammedans and Mullahs in Mosques, what would you expect from such super bastard fanatic Devils?

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