
Philthy Rich feat Stevie Joe, Yowda & Shad Gee "Syrup Attitude"

2015-09-15 100 Dailymotion

From Philthy Rich's first chapter of the Livewire Records' mixtape series, "SemCity MoneyMan".
Produced by AK-47, directed by Dope Scorsese, mixed by DJ Racks.
Available for free download @ http://indy.livemixtapes.com/mixtapes/27657/philthy-rich-sem-city-money-man.html
Further information @ http://www.dopescorsesefilms.com/ or http://www.philthyrichfod.com/ or http://thuggy.net/ or http://www.1yowda.com/ or http://www.livewiretheempire.com/ or http://www.townthizzness.com/ or http://www.thizzler.com/