
PAS: Define 'ketuanan Melayu'

2015-09-11 1 Dailymotion

PAS MPs are asking Umno to define 'ketuanan Melayu' because it is not in the Federal Constitution.

The Opposition parliamentarians also demanded that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak explain his 'threat of calamity' if his party losses in the next general election.

Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena) preempting on the possibility of a "coup d'état" if the premier and the BN coalition fail to retain the government, insisted Najib must assure that parliamentary democracy will be upheld.

"His statement is worrying and rather intriguing (because) it sounds like a threat and it is dangerous for our democratic institution," he said.

"It is as though he is lacking confidence and he issues a threat but it also looks like he is planning to call for the election soon," said Mahfuz.

The Star had reported the prime minister saying that "the people should not take any risk that may make them regret later," warning voters that "if Barisan cannot win, no other can".

Najib reasoned that the Pakatan Rakyat's lack of a common ideology unlike BN is a clear indication that its leaders are not capable of leading the country.