Sifu Freddie Lee Kung Fu Demo
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A lot can be learned from no contact safe sparring if you take it serious enough. You don’t need a broken nose or broken tooth to learn how to put your hands up to protect yourself. You don’t have to get in a car accident in order to know how to drive safely. If you perfect no contact sparring, then you can advance to contact sparring, and even if the person you are sparring is really trying to hit you and really trying to hurt you, you still don’t get hit, that is the art of defensive sparring, you are so good at evasion that the opponent can’t even hurt you when he is trying is absolute hardest to do so.
In order to become proficient in your Art, you should not have to unnecessarily sacrifice your health and wellness. Like the game of basketball, you should be able to play hundreds if not thousands of games to get better without sustaining any serious injuries. That is how safe sparring should be, you should be able to safely spar hundreds if not thousands of times in order to perfect the Art. When you perfect the Art, your opponent can’t touch you, when he can’t touch you, he can’t hurt you.