
Next stop Vienna as migrants board trains to the Austrian capital

2015-09-05 29 Dailymotion

After days of despair for thousands of migrants in Budapest the Hungarian government has taken the decision to bus the asylum seekers to the Austrian border.

It marked a softening in approach from authorities.

Hungarian buses bring weary refugees to Austrian welcome http://t.co/txYmF878fg pic.twitter.com/02peLEmK50— Mashable (@mashable) September 5, 2015

One migrant from Afghanistan said “We are happy to leave here. I am grateful for the help of the Hungarian people.”

The Austrian government say the people arriving will be allowed to apply for asylum or travel on to Germany.

Those getting off the buses in Nickelsdorf are delighted to be out of Hungary.

From #Budapest the #marchofhope of the #migrants arrived in #Austria #Nickelsdorf.
#RefugeeMarch #refugeeswelcome pic.twitter.com/Wfqefn55sW— Federico Di Leo (@Fe_DiLeo) September 5, 2015

“Now we are free. For five days in Hungary, we were in a very, very bad position. In a very, very bad position. And Allah, thanks God,