
Worth its weight in gold: the transeuropean initiative boosting innovation

2015-09-04 18 Dailymotion

Boosting innovation and competitiveness through unprecedented transeuropean parternerships is the business of the Worth Project. Business Planet went to the French Fashion Institute to learn more about how it can benefit entrepreneurs. The project creates partnerships between SMEs and the worlds of fashion, design and technology.

“It creates incredible added benefits, particularly as these people wouldn’t normally be connected,” said Danièle Clutier, Worth Project Coordinator. “They have different professions, they come from different countries and their creative fields are completely different. We have a total of 82 companies and designers from 12 different European countries in the programme.”

In his prestigious concept shop designer Samuel Gassmann sells exclusive creations: a double wedding ring. The product was finalised within one month – an impressive achievement as this design, which dates back to the Renaissance, is very complex.

To establish a viable production process