
Research into human consciousness - telekinesis - superhumans - miroslaw magola

2015-09-04 22 Dailymotion

Miroslaw Magola alias Mind Force asks whether consciousness could all be an illusion.
The fundamental nature of reality is actually consciousness. In his documentary Magola explores the reasons why consciousness may be the fundamental essence of the Universe.
Do people really use just 10 percent of their brains?
Miroslaw Magola has provided a variety of media presentations that cause us to question the limitations of our knowledge, giving us impetus to find an explanation. "Anytime we gain new knowledge, our perceptions expand."
Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It has been defined as: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of the mind. Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is. As Max Velmans and Susan Schneider wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: "Anything that we are aware of at a given
The quantum mind or quantum consciousness hypothesis proposes that classical mechanics cannot explain consciousness. It posits that quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, may play an important part in the brain's function and could form the basis of an explanation of consciousness. It is not a single theory, but a collection of hypotheses.
In neuroscience, quantum brain dynamics - QBD - is a hypothesis to explain the function of the brain within the framework of quantum field theory.
Albert Einstein — 'A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part ... separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
Richard Feynman "Nobody understands quantum mechanics."
Scientists proclaim animal and human consciousness the same.
At the University of Cambridge, July 7 in U.K. A group of prominent neuroscientists signed a proclamation declaring human and animal consciousness alike
Stephen Hawking — considered the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein — was the guest of honor at the signing ceremony. The declaration was authored by Philip Low and edited by Jaak Panksepp, Diana Reiss, David Edelman, Bruno Van Swinderen, Philip Low and Christof Koch, all well-respected neuroscientists.
Here is how Hollywood has portrayed the subject of consciousness , quantum mind , quantum consciousness , telekinesis , mind power and brain power in entertainment movies with storylines set in more or less the real world and not movies that .
Miroslaw Magola appeared in " Stan Lee's Superhumans " aired on Discovery Channel and History Channel. Daniel Browning Smith as he scours the globe for comic legend