Sifu Freddie Lee Safe Sparring Kung Fu Demo
Email: [email protected]
Music by: Steve Caissy
Safe Sparring With Davin James, I have a high level of respect for his level of skill and athleticism. We are Martial Artists sparring as friends, I know I need to protect his health and I know he will protect mine, we need to simulate a real fight without sustaining serious injuries, that's what safe sparring is all about. You see Police Officers when in the line of duty, their lives are truly in danger and when they shoot to kill, they really do kill, it's not a game to them, but even so, you don't see them shooting each other as ways to prepare, they might go to the firing range, they may use air soft guns during simulations training, but they never shoot at each other with real guns for training purposes.
When you get to a high level in the Martial Arts, you know what you are capable of and you do not want to hurt anybody unless you are truly in danger, so when you spar with fellow Martial Artists, you must spar intelligently. Just imagine sparring with your own father, it is to neither of your benefit to hurt one another, your father doesn't want to pay your medical bills and you don't want to hurt your own father either! Martial Artists only spar with friends, never with enemies.
I don't ever spar with enemies, if enemies want to fight me, then I will decline, but if they attack me regardless, then it is not sparring, then it is a real fight for survival in my eyes and I will do what I need to do to survive knowing that I have the law on my side to protect my right to defend myself from harm. Fighting for your life is completely different than fighting to win a game. No matter what game it is, I don't care to win, I do not care for games, it's all stupid to me. I train because I enjoy training and I train for health.
In Safe Sparring, I clearly don't want to be hurt and if I hurt somebody else badly, I would feel like crap. If I tore somebody's ACL or if I knocked somebody's tooth out or if I blinded someone, I would feel horrible, that would mean that I had lack of control in my expression of techniques and I should not be sparring at a high level to begin with. Davin is the only person I feel comfortable sparring at a high level with. I know that if I punch or kick super fast, he will get out of the way!