
The WAN Show - YouTube Gaming is here! Also.. Technical Difficulties - August 28, 2015

2015-08-29 12 Dailymotion



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#IntelGameOn Details: http://linustechtips.com/main/topic/439730-intel-game-on/

Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/the-wan-show-youtube-gaming-is-here-also-technical-difficulties-august-28-2015

Timestamps courtesy of JJMC89

00:11:04 - Special guest: Tyler - LMG office designer
00:46:37 - Sponsor - Dollar Shave Club
00:49:13 - Sponsor - Intel
00:50:43 - Youtube Gaming
00:56:12 - Sponsor - TunnelBear
00:57:53 - MIT researchers build file system that doesn’t lose data to a crash
01:01:30 - Google developing a gps system to help you avoid potholes
01:05:17 - Cortana for Android - Public BETA
01:07:44 - Fable Legends Window 10 Exclusive
01:12:12 - 51,000 - 75,000 Popcorn Time users targeted by anti-piracy group
01:13:31 - Tesla drivers set record (450 mi or 724 km) on a single charge
01:15:20 - Toshiba - 128TB SSDs will hit the commercial market in 2018