
《爸爸去哪儿3》第8期20150828: 草原派对爸爸收获告白 Dad Where Are We Going S03EP8: Party On The Grass【湖南卫视官方版1080p】

2015-08-28 16 Dailymotion

本期精彩 – 童言无忌,萌娃大爆真心话让老爸很尴尬!刘烨开外挂,一人带六娃!
Dad, Where Are We Going S03EP8 Highlight: Dads are very embarrassed while the kids speak the truth! Liu Ye becomes super nanny by taking care of all 6 children at the same time!

简介: 《爸爸去哪儿》第三季是湖南卫视于2015年7月10日起每周五推出的亲子互动真人秀节目,节目播出时间横跨整个暑期档。节目由刘烨父子、胡军父子、夏克立父女、林永健父子、邹市明父子组成全新嘉宾阵容。5位星爸将带着孩子­去艰苦的乡村环境体验72小时生活,并承担独自照顾孩子饮食起居的任务,还要和孩子一­起完成节目组设定的各项任务。
Introduction: Hunan TV's most popular show series "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 3 finally arrives! The show features 5 celebrity dads bringing their lovely kids to go on a new travel adventure in a father-child bonding and cultural experience. "Dad, Where Are We Going" Season 3 will definitely crack you up all the time, while making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. This show will feature Liu Ye, Hu Jun, Zou Shiming, Lin Yongjiang, Christopher Downs, and their respective sons whose names are listed below:
Season 3 participants:
Liu Ye - Liu Nouyi (4 years old)
Hu Jun - Hu Guokang (6 years old)
Zou Shiming - Zou Mingxuan (4 years old)
Lin Yongjiang - Lin Dajun (4 years old)
Christopher Downs – Kyana Poppy Downs (5 years old)

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