
Mohammedans are Fake sons of Isaac that Jews created through circumcision.

2015-08-23 9 Dailymotion

Mohammedans are Fake sons of Isaac that Jews created through circumcision.

Hi Brethren,

I can't understand why Israel has become enemy of their own creation, the circumcised Mohammedans? Circumcision was the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac only and not to Ishmael, the Elder son. Anyone born of the seed of Isaac is to be circumcised and Jesus himself was circumcised to stress that He has come in the line of Isaac.

But the greedy Rabbis were catching a Gentile to make their Disciple through circumcision whether he was of the line of Isaac or not. So, Iranians of the Aryan race are the fake sons of Isaac created by the satanic Rabbis who killed Jesus. When Angel Stephen sitting in the Seat of John, the Baptist requested them to honour our Noble Forefather Abraham, they were grinding their teeth and putting fingers in their ears to kill him, which they did.

No wonder Jesus said that My Father has sent so many Prophets and you have maltreated them all and lastly He sent his very Son, Christ Jesus that they will recognise Him and Treat Him with honour but you killed Him too. So, what shall our Father do but to let you Reap the Harvest of the sons of Satan that you have created.

Thus, you cannot blame a third person. Your Blind Guides, the Rabbis turned the tribal people Jews outwardly making them super bastards and they led them into the Pits of Holocausts at the hands of the tribal sons of Adam. When the English were English, they killed Jews and so did the Germans. But USA being not a land of any specific tribe, there they flourished.

There are many fake sons of Isaac in Europe among the so-called Jews and they too will become their enemies.

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