

2015-08-21 933 Dailymotion

Captain Jack Sparrow is a fun rogue pirate but he also gets so drunk he loses his ship. Captain Steve Zissou is a brave man and a true seaman, but he has jealousy issues and a bad reputation. Who has your vote?

Cruz will be making the case for Captain Jack Sparrow, charismatic leader of the Black Pearl. Truly is championing Captain Steve Zissou, a good man on a mission of redemption. And we’re asking you to decide between these two amazing captains!

Ultimately, the winner is UP TO YOU! We’ve left comments saying Capatin America and Han Solo win below. LIKE the comment representing the captainyou think should emerge victorious from this battle and proceed to the next round of CAPTAIN WARS!

Who do you think won the debate? Did Truly or Cruz frustrate you by leaving off a key piece of evidence? Who's your favorite movie captain? Who do you think should be the ultimate victor in CAPTAIN WARS?

Let us know in the comments below!

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