
Meet the independent animal rescuers

2015-08-21 27 Dailymotion

Since 2008, Daniya Subramaniam, a young dog rescuer has rescued and re-homed more than 200 dogs and 30 cats through her friends and network on Facebook.

Like Daniya, there are many other independent animal rescuers who have a day job like everyone else but spends most of their spare time and savings rescuing homeless, stray and abused animals from cruel authorities and animal abusers.

They bathe, feed, provide them with shelters and above all, they give them love and heal them from the fear and pain of having been abused.

Like Daniya, another rescuer from Kajang, Puspha Rani, a young mother of two, has been rescuing many unfortunate stray, injured and sick mongrels. She spends a fortune spaying, neutering, vaccinating them for years.

What drives them? What moves them to halt at highways and dash across the street to rescue an injured puppy? What makes them work twice as hard just to feed homeless animals? What motivates them to drive for miles daily to feed neglected dogs on farms? How do they maintain a normalcy in life doing extraordinarily self-sacrificing gestures for the sake of extending some sense of normalcy to the creatures of earth? 

This an extraordinary story of two ordinary girls doing extraordinary work.

If you would like to help or contribute these two ladies to ease their burden, kindly contact them at:

Contact details: 

Daniya (012 969 9194)

Puspa Rani (012 399 2021)

Produced by Indrani Kopal and Lynn D'Cruz