
Ministerial: Navigation, preparing new generation

2015-08-19 7 Dailymotion

The objectives and priorities for Europe in space will be discussed at the Council at Ministerial Level in Naples, Italy on 20--21 November. Ministers in charge of space activities within the 20 ESA Member States and Canada will meet to decide on a plan for pushing knowledge, supporting an innovative and competitive Europe and enabling space-based services.

Therefore decisions on most ESA programmes will be taken.

ESA TV proposes a series of videos explaining what is at stake for these programmes, starting with Satellite Navigation.

With EGNOS live and the 4 Galileo In Orbit Validation satellites now in space ESA needs to prepare the evolution of both systems.

This video explains what is being prepared. It includes an interview with Didier Faivre, ESA Director of Navigation Programmes in English and French.

More background information can be found on: http://www.esa.int/esaNA/index.html