
The Soyuz launch sequence explained

2015-08-19 5 Dailymotion

What are the parts of the Soyuz rocket? What are the stages into orbit? What is the launch sequence? Watch and find out. This video has been produced from an actual lesson delivered to the ESA astronaut class of 2009 (also known as the #Shenanigans09) during their ESA Basic Training in 2009-2010

This video is a joint production of the ESA Human Spaceflight & Operation Astronaut Training Division & Promotion Office

Note: Subtitles are available for English, Italian, Russian and German. Click on the caption button to choose.

Technical Experts: Stephane Ghiste, Dmitriy Churkin
Content Design: Stephane Ghiste, Dmitriy Churkin, Pascal Renten, Simon Trim, Matthew Day
Video Production & Editing: Pascal Renten, Simon Trim, Andrea Conigli
Narration Voice: Bernard Oattes
Project Co-ordination: Loredana Bessone, Matthew Day

Special Thanks to:

Massimo Sabbatini, Guillaume Weerts ESA Human Spaceflight & Operation Promotion Office
Martin Schweiger (for use of his Orbiter software: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk)
Nikita Vtyurin, Andrew Thielmann (Orbiter Soyuz model)
Iacopo Baroncini (Soyuz model)
Joey P. Wade (Google Earth Soyuz models)

Watch Part 2: Soyuz rendezvous and docking explained

Watch Part 3: Soyuz undocking, reentry and landing explained