
Getting Trashed Prank - #CincoDePranko

2016-05-12 1 Dailymotion

Happy #CincoDePranko everybody! Watching these people fumble will make you feel a LOT better about the party pics that'll inevitably be taken of you tonight. YOU'RE NOT ALONE!

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Can't click annotations?
Cop Gets Blown in the Face: http://youtu.be/ytZtYjTIb-Y
Idiot Cop Tasers Himself: http://youtu.be/9KklGzUbJkg

Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre... Discover more about Québec at http://www.quebecoriginal.com/index.html?jpr=gags3

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Filmed in Montreal, Quebec