
Temperature control and Monitoring System

2015-08-04 29 Dailymotion

During my Bachelor degree, I worked on LM35 Temperature Sensor. I had made a system which controls the temperature i.e. if the temperature is high the fan is automatically turns on to controls the temperature to its normal range but if temperature didn’t control by the Fan then it turns on the Buzzer to indicate that the temperature is extremely high and the system will automatically shut down i.e. (interlocking) . This whole programming is done in C language structure by using Arduino UNO.
As you can see in this video i have used Red LED instead of a fan which varies according to the temperature For example if we use a fan in the place of Red Led it will vary its speed according the temperature just like Red Led is doing . The Blue LED indicates the Higher limit and turns on the Buzzer to indicates that the Temperature is extremely HIGH.