
Cisco 300-085 Exam - A Step towards CCNP Certification

2015-08-05 7 Dailymotion

Do not neglect these Cisco 300-085 exam questions before actual Cisco 300-085 exam - see : http://www.examskey.com/300-085.html
Practice is important than reading. Do you know more than 60% of Cisco 300-085 exam candidates re-attempt, reason, insufficient knowledge of actual exam. You can save your time, money and effort by following the advice provided in 300-085 exam instructions video and practising the exam with actual Cisco 300-085 practice test software provided by ExamsKey.
More Details about 300-085 Exam :
The candidates need to take the 300-085 CAPPS exam for earning the CCNP Collaboration certification.The exam comprises of total 55-65 questions and the duration of this exam is 75 minutes. The exam is available in English language.
The Implementing Cisco Collaboration Application v1.0 exam tests candidates on the integration options of Cisco Unified IM and Presence, Cisco Unity Express, Cisco Unity Connection, Cisco Prime Collaboration, and Cisco TelePresence Management Suite in a Cisco Unified Collaboration solution. It covers voice messaging deployment scenarios, Cisco Unified IM and Presence features, and the implementation of Cisco Jabber. The exam also covers Cisco Prime Collaboration features and the role of Cisco TelePresence Management Suite in a Cisco Unified Collaboration solution. The Implementing Cisco Collaboration Application v1.0 Exam is required to pass the CCNP Collaboration Certification.