
Joan Gelfand reads Poetry on Public Access Open Mic Poetry TV

2015-07-28 17 Dailymotion

This is The Open Mic Poetry Podcast TV Show with John Rhodes and Clara Hsu. Clara's guest today is the inimitable Joan Gelfand. Below is her bio from the Huffington Post.
Joan’s poetry, fiction, reviews, essays and letters have appeared in national and international anthologies and literary journals including Rattle, Kalliope, The Toronto Quarterly, The Huffington Post, The New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, the newversenews, and The MacGuffin. Joan teaches for Poetry Inside Out and is the Immediate Past President of the Women’s National Book Association. Her books are "The Long Blue Room," “A Dreamer’s Guide to Cities and Streams” (San Francisco Bay Press, 2009); “Here & Abroad,” a chapbook of short fiction (winner of the 2010 Cervena Barva Fiction Award); and “Seeking Center” (Two Bridges Press, 2006). “Transported,” a spoken-word CD with original music, can be found on iTunes and at reverbnation.com. To learn more about Joan, visit joangelfand.com.