
Comic-Con Cosplay Roundup! - CineFix Now

2015-07-16 61 Dailymotion

We set Christina loose on the San Diego Comic-Con Floor, with the mission to seek out the best Cosplay she could find. Sonic Screwdriver in hand, here's what she came back with!

Thanks a ton to the cosplayers who took the time to talk to us. Special shout-out to the #AvengersAngels, especially @misschrissylyn and @CastleCorsetry, and the Penny Dreadful crew @StrangeLikeThat, @leeloo010101010 and @thattallysmith. Follow them on Instagram, you guys.

We found some impressive works of costuming from Batman, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek and more!

Were you at Comic-Con? What was the most impressive cosplay you encountered? What was your favorite part of the convention?

Let us know in the comments!

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