
Confederate flag: Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Doug Brannon back call to #TakeItDown - TomoNews

2015-07-15 17 Dailymotion

COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA — In the wake of last week’s racially charged mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, many are calling for the removal of the Confederate flag from the capitol grounds.

South Carolina Senator and presidential longshot Lindsey Graham supports taking the flag down. While South Carolina State Representative Doug Brannon says he’ll risk his re-election to remove the “Stars and Bars.” Governor Nikki Haley, meanwhile, wants the flag down sooner than later, possibly by July 4th.

The flag was never actually the Confederate State’s official flag, but rather the battle flag of General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia and only later did it become a commemorative symbol.

The flag was first flown in South Carolina in 1961, around the same time the federal government was passing desegregation laws. Since then, the flag has been associated with racial intolerance and white supremacy groups.

Most people agree that taking down the flag is the right thing to do. And once that flag comes down, America’s deep seated racial issues will surely be cured just as easily, right?


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