
Mental Math Fractions - Quickly Add Two Fractions Mentally Without Using The Lowest Common Denominator.

2015-07-14 42 Dailymotion

For more details go to www.abellna.com website.

A full mental math video may contain 2-8 examples. Only some examples are provided in a given video for demonstration purposes.

1/4 + 1/7
2/3 + 6/7
11/12 + 4/5
7/8 + 9/11

Traditional math for adding two fractions together requires finding the lowest common denominator (LCD) and then applying that multiple to each respective denominator and numerator before the sum can be computed.

Many mental math techniques (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) for fractions are included in the Mental Math: Unleash The Power e-book. Some techniques are provided in the video tutorials package with the local website.