
Book - Chapter 7:- What applies to flesh, the opposite applies to spirit - 4.

2015-07-09 1 Dailymotion

Book - Chapter 7:- What applies to flesh, the opposite applies to spirit - 4.

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13. Secular kings are called "BAADSHAH" i.e. the head (SHAH) of an area (ABAADI) and they are generally materialistic as the Queen is in U.K.; whilst the Royal Kings are called "PAATSHAH" i.e. the Head who looks after the honour (PATT) of the people and They being "spiritualistic", Their Royal Kingdom is within the hearts of people and It has no physical boundaries. Here, it is worth mentioning that the materialistic Jews were expecting their King Messiah in their great King David to be the conqurer of countries returning to his Capital Jerusalem in pomp and show whilst Jesus being the Serving King returned on a colt to be welcome by the clean-hearted little children. Seeing this, the Temple Priests dressed in silk and jewelry laughed at Jesus. Look at this King Jesus coming in line of King David!!!!!
14. Secular kings put on an expensive and comfortable crown made up of the artificial and dead materials such as of the precious metals and stones; whilst our Royal King Jesus had a much coveted, un-comfortable and cheap Crown made up of the living Natural material from a thorny bush. None of the Apostles had a similar honour of a Royal Kingship as Jesus had.
15. Moral teachers being the hereditary owners of a temple (Matt.13.52), the bishop of an autonomous Church of God would be a "man" in the name of John, the Baptist. He would teach the moral laws of Moses and keep the congregation morally sound especially on the principles of treating others as one wished to be treated. Thus, the corrupt government officials and businessmen will have no place in the Church of God. The bishop being one of the seven male deacons who were democratically elected by the male Church members, his praises lie with the men who elected and ordained him. Whilst the Royal Priests of God are Pre-ordained of God and they are the Roving Preachers of Gospel. They expose the prevalent "blasphemies or hypocrisies" in the Light of Gospel e.g. in the Light of "A Jew is one who is inwardly and not outwardly", it is a blasphemy to say that Jews, Sikhs, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, etc. were killed and/or are being killed. Apostles of both sexes being ordained of God, they are outspoken and they seek the praises and Protection of God and not those of the people.
16. The bishops being the representatives of John, the Baptist make men the "sons of Man". The first ideal bishop Angel Stephen was trying to make the Temple Priests the sons of Abraham that they got mad at him and ordered their fanatic "Saltless", the people without conscience, "sons of Satan", to stone him to death. John, the Baptist, called those Rabbis, Pharisees, Sadducees, etc., the "satanic fathers", a Brood of Vipers and refused to baptise them in the name of Abraham. Further, the woman being a "daughter of Eve" that carries no tribal “seed” she is a counterpart of God in procreation. She is not required to be baptised in water. Whilst in Jesus, it is the heart that matters most and it needs the Baptism of Holy Spirit. Thus, the Apostles urged the clean-hearted people to seek the "Royal Kingdom of God" within their own hearts in order to be the sons and "heirs of God" and, therefore, be "eternal" like their "Eternal Father". Thus, the Last Footstep in the Ministry of Jesus was the "Last Supper" in which the Loaf of Bread, the Body of Jesus, the congregation, was broken or asked them to disperse in order to Preach the Gospel. That is, the Last Supper is the Baptism of Jesus in Holy Spirit in which the Thief Judas Iscariot was thrown out. Present hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches are Judas Iscariot in sheep’s clothing not welcome into the Royal Kingdom of God.
17. Thus, the bishops can baptise men in water but they cannot administer the "Eucharist of Sacrifice"; whilst in Jesus, even women could become the Roving Preachers to spread Gospel and administer the "Eucharist" but the women cannot teach the moral laws of Moses. Remember that Eucharist was served only to those who were baptised by John, the Baptist in the name of Abraham.
18. Keys to the kingdom of heaven, which is for the comforts of "flesh" and is to be "seen" in law and order, used to be with the Rabbis, who after becoming corrupt would neither themselves enter nor let anybody else enter; whilst Jesus introduced to us the much superior "Royal Kingdom of God" for the "Peace of our minds", which is established within our own hearts and is "perceived" through the qualities of the person in God such as "mercy" and philanthropic services.
19. High Priests in Moses used to give a sin-sacrifice of a lamb for his people once a year and some devoted priests even give their very own sacrifice, instead of a scapegoat, for the sins of their people; whilst Jesus, our Royal High Priest .......