
MQM-RAW Connection; Pakistan Heatwave Deaths; Iran Pew Survey; Pak-Afghan Ties (1)

2015-07-01 32 Dailymotion

Is leaked Interrogation of MQM finance chief Tariq Mir in London about RAW funds for his party authentic? How will it impact MQM’s future with or without Altaf Husain? Will the party still remain popular with its base in Karachi? Who or what is to blame for over 1000 heatwave deaths in Karachi, Sindh? Could these deaths have been prevented or reduced? What does Sindh government need to learn from this tragedy? What does the latest Pew Poll of 40 countries on Iran say about the country’s highest approval rating in Pakistan? How will the Afghan parliament attack by the Taliban impact Pak-Afghan ties? Viewpoint From Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses these questions with panelists Misbah Azam (www.politicsinpakistan.com) and Riaz Haq (www.riazhaq.com)