
Business Daily Ep63

2015-07-01 21 Dailymotion

Return of tax-free overseas equity funds
Some 7 billion dollars of cash is said to be sitting around uninvested as Korea's key interest rate remains at record low levels. The government is reintroducing tax-free overseas equity funds to get the money moving and concurrently address the country's growing supply of U.S. dollars. We take a closer look.

Take heed of fraud
With the record-low interest rate in Korea, people are making bolder investments in this country. But fraud cases from unauthorized firms are increasing, as they take advantage of the system. Find out what you can do to protect yourself.

Korea's response to TPP
With U.S. President Barack Obama winning "fast-track" powers to move on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the mega deal is set to create waves. Korea has so far shown a passive stance on the 12-nation trade pact. Will it shift its stance as Washington prepares to enter final membership negotiations?