

2015-06-23 39 Dailymotion

Palpap ERP is a web based School Management Software. It enable you to access your School, College or institute management over internet or intranet. Palpap ERP School Management Software provides you facility to access any information about any department anytime. Super Admin users having complete features enable for this user. Complete control over Software features, You can easily change college name, Address, contact details, etc. This will reflect at all the reports. Assign rights to various employees, allow you to control over the entire employee & their role in this School Management Software.
Palpap ERP School Management Software provides you the facility to access any department's records with a click. View reports of any Department / School, individually or cumulatively. Send message to Employee of any department or any student at anytime. Complete Fees Management in school management system. Ability to manage Fee Structure for any student in Palpap ERP school management system.
Fee Collection (Regular Fees & Transport Fee) & other miscellaneous charges can be taken via instant fee modules in our school management system. Palpap ERP School Management System support discount in fee , which allow you to flexibility in collecting fees. Multiple Collection dates Fee Deposit support by our school management system , allow you to collect fees monthly or annually or quarterly or any other whatever you want. Students Concession (Individually/ Category) management. Complete finance management. Accounts Group or category creation ( e.g. Fee account, Salary Account, etc).
Send message to Guardians / Teachers / Students / Employees. Teacher Time Table is also in Palpap ERP School Management Software. Employee Attendance register. Attendance Day Wise and Employee Complete Employee Profile. Teacher Login. Class Attendance to his/her class with edit facility. Time table management for school. Complete Salary Management for employees. Asking for approval from authorized authority for leave to head of the department. View New Admissions, School strength, Class & Section wise Strength. View Bus Details, Bus Fee report. View Library Transaction Details. Pending Fee List by students. Fee Summary of any student. Marks of student based on class, subject and examination group.
Add, Modify, Delete Book Categories. Add Book (Define Entry Date, Accession No, etc). Card Issue and Return of Library Card. Issue Books, Deposit Books. Complete library Related Customized Reports is supported by our school management software. Parents login in School Management Software & students can check following records. His Child’s attendance, Time Table, Results, Instructions/ complaints from class teacher as well as principal or any teachers. Invitation to any function. Ask query from teacher/ principal.