
SainSmart C02 Kit with LCD Keypad Shield MEGA ATmega2560 for Arduino UNO MEGA R3 Mega2560

2015-06-12 68 Dailymotion

Full Details on Amazon.com : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0076FWAZA?tag=tsukuyomi-20

SainSmart C02 Kit with LCD Keypad Shield MEGA ATmega2560 for Arduino UNO MEGA R3 Mega2560

The 16x2 LCD Keypad module is for Arduino Diecimila Duemilanove UNO MEGA1280 MEGA2560 board
Blue Backlight with white words adjustable backlighting4 Bit Arduino LCD Library
The SainSmart Arduino MEGA ATmega2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560
Buy them TOGETHER and get at a REDUCE price It is a big bargain