
Project Alamanac Cast Considers Time Travel Paradoxes! - CineFix Now

2015-06-09 64 Dailymotion

Clint sat down with the cast of Project Almanac, which hits stores on Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack today. Since this bit of original sci-fi is about time travel, we thought we’d ask the cast their takes on some classic time-travel paradoxes. Plus, Clint builds a DRONE!

Sam Lerner, Allen Evangelista, and Virginia Gardner give us their takes on classic time-travel conundrums, like the Grandfather Paradox, the Bootstraps Paradox, and whether there are time travelers around us RIGHT NOW…!

While we were in the building awesome machines headspace, we also took part in Drone Day, where we joined folks from Rhubarb Studios to build our very own drones. Now Clint is qualified to get into MIT! (That’s how it works, right?)

Project Almanac is out on DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack right now. Buy it!

Are you in for this new installment in the Alien universe? How do you think it will fit into the continuity? Are you looking forward to Prometheus 2? Or Chappie? What would you LEAST like to see in this upcoming movie?

Let us know in the comments!

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