
Random VR Let's Play - ARK Survival Evolved - #2 "Chariots of fire... or some sh*#$" (Feat. DaMuncha)

2015-06-09 43 Dailymotion

YouTube Flash version (3D; PC/Windows): http://www.interleave-vr.com/youtube-proper-player.php?v=hRzgiMFZzBw

DaMuncha's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DaMuncha

Having gotten my own server setup for this game since part 1 of the let's play series, I figured it would be time to invite guests! Join me and DaMuncha as we further develop the Stereo3D tribe's establishment!

The test run went rather well, if it were not for the fact that the server itself crashed at the end of the session after a little over an hour of service. The big downside of this crash is we lost the progress seen in this video.

I'll tinker with the server computer and try to minimize crashing (or find out what's the cause) and at the very least I should be able to save the world state now in case a crash does happen.

A work in progress... hopefully all this improves as we move forward and eventually re-attempt all this progress!

Got a BluRay3D player with the YouTube app? Search for " ark3d " (without the quotes) and all this channel's Isolation videos should show, playable in full color, all-awesome stereoscopic 3D!