
Enlightening education: inspiring projects for blind and visually impaired students

2015-06-05 5 Dailymotion

Blind and visually-impaired people have long had to overcome challenges in education, as they do in many aspects of life. The World Health Organization says there are some 280 million people worldwide who are blind or partially sighted and their access to education is often restricted. In this edition of Learning World Maha Barada presents three stories about innovative learning projects adapted to meet the needs of people with vision problems.

Brazil: in touch with ballet

Becoming a ballet dancer would, at first, seem an impossible dream for blind people. But that perception has been proved wrong by a dance teacher in Rio de Janeiro whose school caters for blind or partially sighted people of all ages. Her method is based on close physical contact and sound cues, allowing the students to make the most of the other senses. As we see in this story it is an uplifting and emotional experience for the dancers and their teacher.

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