
Battlefield Hardline Grey Hat Syndicate Assignment Trace Coins "BF Hardline Hacker Trace Coins"

2015-05-30 20 Dailymotion

Battlefield Hardline Grey Hat Syndicate Assignment Trace Coins "BF Hardline Trace Coins" The BF Hardline Trace coins are one of the hardest things to get The trace coins are needed to complete the BF Hardline Grey Hat Syndicate assignment and once you have your trace coins completed you will get the BF Hardline gold knife.To complete the Grey Hat Syndicate assignment you will need Battlefield Hardline Grey Hat Syndicate Assignment "BF Hardline Trace Coins" Hacker assignment 2, Upgrade point of interest to version 5, Hacker Trace coins and you will complete the Grey hat syndicate Patch .

To get your Hacker Trace Coins you will need to follow the below. once you start a trace you will need to gain as many points from it as possible you need 500 points for one trace coin. Once you have started a trace do as many things as you can to help your team and you will get your trace coins on BF Hardline

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