
Battlefield Hardline BETA Gameplay "Battlefield Hardline Beta Xbox One"

2015-05-30 6 Dailymotion

Battlefield Hardline BETA Gameplay "Battlefield Hardline Beta Xbox One" this video is really good Battlefield Hardline in this video i show you a short clip of battlefield hardline beta this beta is really good i really like the vehicles in the battle field hardline beta for a beta to have all these different kinds of vehicles to use is just truely amazing

this video is about the Battlefield Hardline BETA Gameplay so today ive got another crazy video for all you crazy player out there sorry for the begining of the video and the random cut at the end been using some new software which is rubbish at the moment the game it self really good really liked it had a really fun time playing going to do more recordings on it in the future which is good

xbox gamertag corey is crazy

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