
GTA 5 Online "New Single Player To Multiplayer Glitch"SP to MP Glitch After "Patch 1.13"

2015-05-30 46 Dailymotion

GTA 5 Online "New Single Player To Multiplayer"SP to MP Glitch After "Patch 1.13" GTA 5 Online "New Single Player To Multiplayer" SP to MP Glitch "Patch 1.13" New GTA 5 Online SP to MP Glitch Patch 1.12 Free cars how to bring single player cars to multiplayer without having to use the lagswitch method after the patch 1.13 in GTA V online. This useful glitch we all like to call SP to MP glitch, is not hard and you can pretty much bring any single player car to multiplayer.

GTA5 Online Patch 1.13 SP To MP Glitch

Once you have set this up and your characters
saved in the correct locations bringing cars
in is super easy and fast so you can give to your
friends easily 1 car every 2-3 minutes as you
only need to do last part

Step 1 Start in Single player Get Car

Step 2 Drive To Franklins House And Quick Save

Step 3 Load GTA Online

Step 4 Drive To Franklins house Stand Across
the Street
Step 5 Change Spawn Location to Last Location

Step 6 Switch To SP Character wit the car your