
Destiny Xur Agent Of The Nine Location And Exotic Items 20/02/2015 "Xur Exotic Items 20/02/2015"

2015-05-30 21 Dailymotion

Destiny Xur Agent Of The Nine Location And Exotic Items 20/02/2015 "Xur Exotic Items 20/02/2015" Destiny Xur Agent Of The Nine Location And Exotic Items 20/02/2015 This Destiny Xur The Agent Of The Nine Will Show you what exotic items he has for sale every week so you know if he has the stuff you would like to buy with your Destiny Strange Coins, We will also let you know what exotic weapons Xur The Agent Of The Nine has for sale so you can get the the exotic weapons you like with your strange coins.
this video is really good in this destiny video i show you the location for xur agent of the nine in the destiny tower this time xur agent of the nine is selling some really cool exotic engrams as you know the only way you can buy these exotic engrams from xur agent of the nine in destiny is to have strange coins you would need atleast 17 strange coins in destiny to buy an exotic engram in destiny

this video is about the Destiny Xur Agent Of The Nine Location 20/02/2015 so today ive got